Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG

Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG. Low Prices on A Potato Ricer. Free UK Delivery on Eligible Orders Garden At Home With Sarah Raven, Wide Range of Products Available Online Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG Taraneh Jahani. Persian rice is a staple in any Iranian household and growing up ours was no different.

Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG Persians make their rice in a unique way by allowing. My Iranian friends only use Basmati rice (affiliate) for all their Persian rice dishes, and it's what is used in this recipe. Two steps to prepare the rice for this tahdig recipe: Wash the basmati rice very well under cold running water until the water runs clear. You can cook Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG

  1. It's of Persian rice or basmati rice.
  2. It's of butter.
  3. You need of water.
  4. It's of grated potato.
  5. You need of tsb salt.
  6. You need of little bit turmeric.

Some folks even soak it for a bit, but that is not required today. TahDig is a crispy crust at the bottom of the rice, that can be a layer of thin Lavash bread (may substitute flour tortilla), or a mixture of rice, yogurt and saffron; yet another option is thin slices of peeled potatoes. TahDig turns a beautiful golden brown color and is crispy and delicious. TahDig is thought to be the best part of the rice among Persians and Persian food lovers everywhere.

Persian rice with crispy grated potato TAHDIG step by step

  1. Wash rice 2 -3 time and soak with water and salt for 30 minutes.
  2. Boil 2 cups of water and add butter or oil and salt to water and empty the water which you soaked the rice in it..
  3. Add rice in boiling water leave it to boil for at least 10 minutes.
  4. Empty water put a little bit oil with salt and turmeric in your pan and add grated potato and spread it and mash them down add your rice and put butter on top put the lid and leave it to cook for 30-40 minutes.

Tahdig is the panfried layer of crust at the bottom of the rice pot and, in fact, it literally translates as "the bottom of the pot" in Persian. When made right, tahdig looks like a perfectly caramelized disk, and it can be detached from the pot and served whole, or broken into jagged, golden shards. Tahdig Nutrition facts: Nutrition facts and calories of crusts vary depending on their type. For example, a bread crust is a good source for carbohydrates and Vitamin B. moreover a potato crust has lots of complicated carbs and helps hair loss and skin health, and so on. Repeat the process with more cold water until the water runs clear.
