Recipe: Tasty Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling

Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling. Free UK Delivery on Eligible Orders Check Out Baked On eBay. Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling Sigrun German, living in England. Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling.

Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling It is one of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a bit unique. Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling is one of the most well liked of current. You can have Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling

  1. It's of large apples like cox orange or similar.
  2. It's of marzipan paste for baking.
  3. It's of pecan nuts, because I love them (tradition states walnuts).
  4. You need of ground cinnamon.
  5. It's of handfull of rum soaked raisins, chopped up (optional).
  6. It's of honey.
  7. It's of bought or homemade thick custard.

Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling We eat this traditionally on the day after Christmas Day where I come from in Germany. Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling. Hey everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a distinctive dish, sig's german baked apples with filling.

Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling instructions

  1. Wash the apples.
  2. Wash your apples, then slice of a thin thin slicemof the stem end and the top end.
  3. Core the apple.
  4. Take out a bit more of then apple to make a little dent, preheat your oven to 175°C.
  5. Crush the pecan nuts and mix throughly with the marzipan, the cinnamon and if using the rum soaked raisins if you are using them..
  6. Fill the mass into the holes of the apples until it is perfectly closed, add half a pecan nut on top.
  7. Put the apples into a baking dish and drizzle with the honey.
  8. Cover with the apple tops and bake in oven on 175°C until the skin pops in places and the apples are cooked all the way through, this can be between 30 to 45 minutes depending on size of apple. When finished spoon some custard onto plate, place a baked apple in center and drizzle the honeybfrom he baking dish over the apple..

One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I will make it a little bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious. A wonderful country style baked pancake that's filled with apples and spice. Sig's German Baked Apples with Filling.
